Tremors are shaky quake elementals from Lycanites Mobs that seek to blow up as much as possible.
Every time there is an explosion, there is a 3% chance of a Tremor to spawn.
Tremor spawners can be found in Dungeons (Vanilla).
They can also spawn when a Geonach and Argus combine.
If the player has a Knowledge Rank of at least 2 of the Geonach and Argus, they can be summoned as temporary allied minions with a Summoning Staff. The two minions can then fuse into a Tremor if they are close enough together. They can not be tamed, only temporarily summoned.
For every Tremor that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon tremors can be Russet or Verdant. A Russet Tremor is a brownish-grey color, while a Verdant Tremor is a dark green.. Uncommon Tremors have higher stats than a regular Tremor. This does not change their behavior.
See Creature Levels for more information.
Tremors, like other mobs from Lycanites Mobs, can spawn at higher Levels. Local Area Difficulty can increase the Lvl of a Tremor. A Tremor created by fusion will always be Lvl 20. Tremor spawned in Dungeons will also be higher Lvl than normal.
Tremor will come out of an explosion, commonly attacking the player who caused it. Their dangerous melee attack can cause a small explosion, blinding the player and causing their ears to ring. This attack also gives the Hunger effect for about 7 seconds, adding to the annoyance these foes can cause. Throwing knives are the best way to fend off an angry Tremor, as it keeps them from getting too close while being fast enough that the Tremor can't gain ground as easily.
If a wild Geonach and Argus fuse, they can form a Lvl 20 Tremor. If the Geonach and Argus are both Uncommon, the resulting Tremor will also be Uncommon.