Note: Vanilla Minecraft Status Effects and Potions are not included. This factors in mods that add Potions for previously unobtainable status effects such as Hunger or Blindness.
There are 109 effects currently in RLCraft.
Potion Effects[]
Rough Tweaks[]
Bandaged: Slowly increases health. (Not really a 'potion' effect, but you can apply it yourself.)
Tough As Nails[]
Cold Resistance: It makes it harder to gather up cold on your temperature gauge.
Heat Resistance: It makes it harder to gather up the heat on your temperature gauge.
Better Survival[]
Ender Warp: Random teleport.
Antiwarp: Prevents a player or entity with the effect from teleporting or using ender pearls. Players and mobs can still teleport with Ender Warp potions.
Milky: Removes all potion and status effects that the player has.
Trinkets and Baubles[]
Dwarf Transformation: Transforms you into a dwarf.
Fairy Transformation: Transforms you into a fairy.
Restorative: Removes Fairy and Dwarf Transformation. Also heals health.
Lycanites Mobs[]
Cleansed: Disables the effects of wither, bad luck, fear, and insomnia.
Immunity: Disables the effect of poison, hunger, weakness, nausea, and paralysis.
See Lycanites Mobs Effects for a more complete list
Switch Bow[]
In Love: Disables a mob's normal melee attack, and makes most of them not move.
Freeze: Disables an entity's movement. Includes being pushed. Deals damage over time.
Bountiful Baubles[]
Sinful: Gives an armor and damage buff.
First Aid[]
Morphine: Stops effects from broken legs, destroyed feet, etc.
Potion Core[]
Flight: Gives the player a creative flight. It also prevents fall damage.
Repairing: Slowly gives durability to all worn armor and held items.
Iron Skin: Adds more armor bars.
Purity: Makes the player immune to wither.
Long Arms: Increases the player's reach, including attacking and breaking blocks.
Diamond Skin: Adds more armor toughness.
Recoil: Works similar to thorns. Makes entities take damage when they attack something with it.
Random Teleport: Random teleport.
Surface Teleport: Teleports the player to the highest point above them.
Magic Focus: Increases the damage of magic attacks.
High Step: Increases the player's ability to instantly walk up to things. Works naturally with slabs.
Climbing: Gives the player the ability to climb up walls.
Vulnerability: The opposite of resistance. It makes the player take more damage in all forms.
Detonation: This Causes the player to explode. Instant.
Solid Core: Give the player +1 knockback resistance
Combustion: Detonation, but with fire.
Thundering: Strikes the player with lightning. Instant.
Magical Inhibition: -30% magic damage dealt per level.
Launch: Launches the entity into the air. The lingering version can be used as a trampoline.
Klutz: Decreases projectile damage, including bows.
Penetration: Decreases armor by 25% per level.
Magic Shield: Decreases magic damage dealt to the player.
Antidote: Removes poison damage. Works on the plague.
Slowfall: Decreases fall damage.
Trueshot: Increases projectile damage by +3 per level.
Wearable Backpacks[]
Encumbered: Decreases movement speed by 5%, mining speed by 10% and attack speed by 15%. Increases hunger bar consumption (even while idle).
Potion Effects Only Available In Creative[]
Potion Core[]
Love: Makes Animals Love Each other. Same as breeding
Extension: Makes all potion effects last longer.
Pure: Removes all negative status and potion effects.
Gills: Makes the player drown outside of water.
Spawn Teleport: Teleports the player to their spawn point.
Disorganization: random spreads items throughout the current inventory of the player
Perplexity: Reverses selects the key for every movement key, including sprinting and jumping.
Corrosion: The opposite of repairing. Slowly damages held items and worn armor.
Chance: Applies a completely random status or potion effect.
Inversion: All negative potion effects become their positive form and vice versa.
Weight: Opposite of Jump Boost.
Dispel: Removes all positive potion effects.
Revival: An extra life. Even surpasses /kill.
Blessing: Random positive effect.
Cursing: Random negative effect.
Status Effects[]
Tough As Nails[]
Thirst: Makes the thirst bar go down faster.
Hydration: Makes the thirst bar go up. Instant. Works similar to Saturation.
Hyperthermia: Slowly damages when the temperature gauge gets too hot.
Hypothermia: Slowly damages when the temperature gauge gets too cold.
Lycanites Mobs[]
Fear: Makes the player move around randomly.
Smited: Makes the player burn in sunlight, similar to zombies and skeletons.
Paralysis: A more severe slowness that disables the player's ability to jump or move.
Aphagia: Makes the player unable to use most right-click functions, including eating and holding back a bow.
Leech: The entity with this effect will gain health when attacking other entities.
Penetration: Makes the player take more damage.
Weight: Makes the entity with this effect unable to go up.
Decay: Disables most forms of regeneration.
Plague: Applies poison every tick at the same level and time as the plague effect. When an entity with plague touches another mob, they will get it one level lower. The only thing dealing with damage is the poison effect, which can be demonstrated with the Antidote effect from Potion Core.
Instability: Makes the entity bounce around randomly. It can send them very large distances.
Smouldering: Fire, but a potion effect and bypasses fire resistance.
Bleed: Deals damage based on the level of this effect when the entity with this effect is moving.
Rejuvenation: Negates the effects of Decay. It also increases all healing.
Defiled Lands[]
Grounded: Decreases the player's jump height.
Vulnerability: Increases the player's damage taken by 20% per level.
Bleed: Slowly damages the player. Can kill.