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The Ender Queen's Crown is a craftable Bauble added by the Trinkets and Baubles mod that, when equipped, will make three major changes to the player.

Endermen will no longer be aggravated when the player targets their face, will follow the player within a short range, and will attack mobs that damage the player. In addition, this item also has a small chance of summoning an Enderman when the player is brought to half health or less.

The player will gain an additional 0.5 reach distance and become immune to hypothermia. As a drawback, the player will take damage from contact with water and rain. Rain damage is configurable.

Just like Endermen the player will teleport away from incoming arrows, each teleport consumes 50 mana. This mechanism has a draw back as it can land you in unpredictable situations. To avoid being teleported randomly, consider ways of consuming your mana to keep it below 50. Easy way to do this is with the Polarized Stones repel function. Keeping a Polarized Stone with repel ON in your inventory consumes mana quickly.

Note that the Endermen defending you are not as effective as most allies, as they cannot be changed from defensive behavior. They function better as last-resort backup than a front lines assault team.

While you are wearing the crown, Endermen do not drop loot or experience.


It can be crafted uses 3 Glowing Gems, 2 End Rods, 3 Eyes of Ender, and 1 End Crystal. This item can also be found in Dungeons, or be dropped by mobs in the End as well as the Overworld.

Eye of Ender Eye of Ender Eye of Ender
End Rod End Crystal End Rod Ender Queen's Crown
Glowing Gem Glowing Gem Glowing Gem


  • Endermen naturally take damage from water contact, similarly to a player using this item.
  • It is possible the crown represents a measure of authority over the Endermen, or once belonged to an individual they respect.
  • Infernal Endermen will still be affected by this item, and can still use their powers to defend you.