Diamond is from vanilla Minecraft (1.12.2). Everything listed in this article is added/changed in RLCraft. For information about vanilla uses not listed here, check out the Minecraft Wiki via the link in the infobox.
Crafting Recipes[]
Diamonds can be used to craft the following items:
Diamonds can be crafted using:
- 9 Diamond Coins
Diamonds may be received by smelting:
- Diamond Pickaxe
- Diamond Axe
- Diamond Hoe
- Diamond Sword
- Diamond Helmet
- Diamond Chestplate
- Diamond Leggings
- Diamond Boots
- Diamond Wolf Armor
- Diamond Pet Armor
- Diamond Nunchaku
- Diamond Flanged Mace
- Diamond Halberd
- Diamond Glaive
- Diamond Quarterstaff
- Diamond Longsword
- Diamond Katana
- Diamond Rapier
- Diamond Saber
- Diamond Greatsword
- Diamond Battle Axe
- Diamond Battleaxe
- Diamond Throwing Axe
- Diamond Hammer (Better Survival)
- Diamond Hammer (Spartan Weaponry)
- Diamond Warhammer
Mob Drops[]
Diamonds can be dropped by the following mobs:
- Amalgalich
- Asmodeus
- Cockatrice (Lycanites Mobs)
- Dawon
- Geonach (only celestials)
- Ioray
- Morock
- Quetzodracl
- Rahovart
- Vapula
- Zoataur
- Infernal Mobs
Diamonds can be obtained as loot from the following:
- Treasure Hunting Skill
- Breaking Mob Spawners
- Destroying Tumbleweed
- Boss floor Battle Tower Chests