RLCraft Wiki

"Allows the wearer to double jump"

The Cloud in a Bottle is an equipable bauble added by RLArtifacts, it gives the wearer the ability to double jump.


The Cloud in a Bottle can only be obtained by a drop from the Mimic, a rare mob added by RLArtifacts.


The Cloud in a Bottle can be equipped in the Belt bauble slot, when equipped it gives the player the ability to double jump. When in mid-air, pressing the jump button will allow the player to jump upwards. It can be useful to use this ability if falling a large distance, as jumping before the player hits the ground will negate all fall damage.

This bauble can be reforged using Spectral Silt, which can provide useful buffs for the player.

The Cloud in a Bottle can be combined with the Whoopie Cushion in a crafting table, to make the Fart in a Jar.


The Cloud in a Bottle is based off an item of the same name from Terraria.
