RLCraft Wiki

Clinks are strange imps that rapidly grow metallic blades on their arms that can be easily detached.


Clink can spawn in biomes that have the following biome tags:

  • Sandy
  • Wasteland
  • Mesa

Clink can not spawn in biomes that have the following biome tags:

  • Cold
  • Snowy

Clink spawners can be found in Desert Doomlike Dungeons, Mesa Doomlike Dungeons, Desert Crypts (Lycanites Dungeon) and Dungeons (Vanilla).

Clinks are often found wandering around in deserts. They eat the minerals they find there, but wont hesitate to feast on living flesh as well.

Naturally spawning Clinks often are solitary, spawning alone. However, during the Blade Flurry event, numerous of these creatures spawn.


For every Clink that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Clinks can be Golden or Ashen. A Golden Clink is a yellow color, while an Ashen Clink is a Dark grey. Uncommon Clinks have double the health of a regular Clink. This does not change their behavior.


Clinks detach the blades they grow and throw them at their enemies. Their metal blades cause Aphagia, which prevents you from eating. It is advised to stay at a distance and use ranged weapons, preferably from behind cover. They can throw their blades impressively far, so staying at a distance doesn't guarantee safety.

Crypt Executioner[]

In a Desert Crypt, a modified Clink can appear as a boss. This boss is called The Crypt Executioner, and can drop 10+ diamonds, a Clink Scythe, and an Imp Soulstone
