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Astaroth are mobs from Lycanites Mobs that are large demonic brain like creatures mounted onto a set of mechanical legs


Astaroth can spawn in the Nether or in The End.

Astaroth spawners can be found in Nether Doomlike Dungeons and Aberrant Stations (Lycanites Dungeon).


For every Astaroth that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants within the Nether, but a 100% chance for it to be an Uncommon Void variants within the End. Uncommon Astaroth can be Golden or Scarlet within the Nether, and Violet and Keppel within the End. In the Nether, A Golden Astaroth has a blue brain with a golden turret and legs, while a Scarlet Astaroth has a green brain with a red turret and legs. In the End, A Violet Astaroth has a purple brain with tentacles and a black turret and legs, while a Keppel Astaroth has a blue brain with tentacles and a black turret and legs. Uncommon Astaroth have higher stats than a regular Astaroth. This does not change their behavior.


Astaroth use powerful rapid weapons that extract their demonic energizes into powerful projectiles called Devilstars, on impact these can cause Wither. Trites help maintain Astaroth and often have a nest within the mechanical legs, thus when an Astaroth dies, the nest spills open and the Trites seek revenge!

Void Astaroth[]

Within the End Dimension, only Void Astaroth can spawn. These Void Astaroth have the void element instead of nether, and spawn void trites upon death.


In an Aberrant Station, a modified Astaroth can appear as a boss. This boss is called Arachnotron, and can drop 10+ diamonds, an Astaroth Claw, and an Aberration Soulstone


In an Aberrant Station, a modified Astaroth can appear as a boss. This boss is called Asakku, and can drop 50+ diamonds, an Astaroth Claw, and an Aberration Soulstone


- Astaroths are in fact, references to Arachnotrons from the classic DOOM series.
