Archviles are malicious demons that rule of areas of the nether, and enjoy the smell of their victim's burning flesh and enjoy watching other demons tear their victims apart.
Archviles prefer to avoid combat themselves, instead they will strengthen any nearby demons and they will slowly engulf their target in flames.
Archvile can spawn in the Nether.
Archvile can spawn from Nether Portals.
Archville spawners can be found in Dungeons (Vanilla).
Sub Species[]
For every Archvile that spawns, there is a 10% chance for it to be an Uncommon variants. Uncommon Archviles can be Ashen or Scarlet. An Ashen Archvile is dark violet in color, while a Scarlet Archvile is blood red. Uncommon Archviles have higher stats than a regular Archvile. This does not change their behavior.
Royal Archvile[]

Royal Archvile Altar
A Royal Archvile will spawn when a player creates an altar using 15 Obsidian and 1 Diamond Block, and activates it by using a Soulkey on the Diamond Block. A Royal Archvile is a dark blue color with glowing runes, and will have a boss bar when approached. A Royal Archvile deals double damage, attacks twice as fast, and has 20x the normal health of an Archvile. A Royal Archvile can inflict Decay II along with a greater area of fire.
In a Demonic Temple, a modified Royal Archvile can appear as a boss. This boss is called Azazel, and can drop 50+ diamonds, a Demonic Lightning Scepter, and a Demon Soulstone
- It is clear that the Archile is a reference to the Arch-vile from DOOM II: