RLCraft Wiki

"Wicked flame imps that are bent on destruction, they will aggressively burn the world around them."

- Lycanites Mobs Bestiary

An afrit is a small, mischievous demon from hell that loves to cause fires. They often spawn in lava lakes or in the nether, and are very deadly in the early game.


Afrit can spawn in any Overworld biome, in the Nether or in The End. Can only spawn in lava.

Every time you catch a fish in lava, there is a 0.85% chance of an Afrit to spawn.

Afrit spawners can be found in Volcanic Doomlike Dungeons, Ashen Mausoleums (Lycanites Dungeon) and Dungeons (Vanilla).


Upon seeing any players, afrits will fire a scorchfireball charge at the player, inflicting the player with penetration II for 10 seconds, giving the afrit ample time to severly harm, if not kill the player. They don't attack anything else, and are in fact quite docile.

(Summonable Via Imp soulstone


The name afrit is probably a pun on the Ifrit.
